Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Should there be more religion on television? What I think... (from BBC HaveYourSay)

Should there be more religion on television?

The BBC is being accused of reducing and marginalising its television coverage of religious and ethical issues. Are enough religious programmes broadcast?

Some members of the Church of England's Synod believe that, despite long-running programmes such as BBC1's Songs of Praise, there has been a reduction in the scope of broadcasting about religion.

The BBC insists that its commitment to religion and ethics broadcasting is "unequivocal", and that religious broadcasting has increased in recent years, to an annual total of 168 hours.

Should the BBC broadcast more religious programmes? Should religion have a larger platform in the media? Do you watch religious programmes? What form should religious broadcasts take?

What I Think

Do I want to see more encouragement of masochistic behaviour on TV? No.

It is things like this that stop me from watching TV, I watch everything using video streaming services such as iPlayer, etc. just so I can selectively silence the sick propaganda.

The negatively focused doctrines of christian, islamic, jewish, sikh, and many more, need to be eradicated from daily programming. It is time people started being honest about their masochistic desires and stopped hiding them behind religion.

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